Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter is Here...

In a really big way. It snowed all day yesterday which is kind of fun.....but then today, it's 11 degrees. That's right, I said ELEVEN! And the wind chill is -3....gotta love it!

However, one last paper to go and I'm off to Seattle for a nice little break and on to Kentucky for Christmas! I can't even wait!! Friday morning, here I come!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Kendra's wedding

Another friend got married and I was invited!!! I got to be a bridesmaid again at my friends Kendra and Chris' wedding (they're friends from Gordon-Conwell). I had some other friends in the bridal party and we had a grand time!

Friends from Gordon-Conwell at the Wedding

Angie, Mikayla, Me, Melissa

Me and the bride and groom

Friday, November 21, 2008


I'm in the library writing a paper....and I'm wishing I was in another place. Just one of those days...Thanksgiving, I am in need of you!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!!

My Sister is 27 today!! Yipee!!!

(staying warm at ACL fest...what a great time!)

Times flies....

when you are having fun. And fun was certainly had in teaching a discovery class at Gordon...not that it has been over for almost a month now, I've finally gotten around to some highlights!

The girls asked to have a small group after the class was over and we started last week....what a treat!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It is expected to snow at 4am-8am's October and I'm pulling out the ugg boots!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Discovery - final!

Hey friends....I just finished up instructing my group of 12 freshman out at the ropes course and out on a camping trip in the wilderness. In order to put the finishing touches on our class, each student prepared to share an appreciation, challenge, an exhortation to each other classmate. So, as we gathered for a meal, each student was put on the hot seat and received these thoughts from their fellow classmates. Jared (my TA) and I were included in this and it was such a moving time to watch a community share with one another, showing encouragement and challenges for them as they grow in their relationships with God and in their character. I just finished reading their reflection papers and I was moved by the processes that they went through this semester. One girl in particular has experienced a great deal of social healing through this class and the group of students that formed a community with her. In her reflections she shared that she has overcome being fearful of groups but is encouraged to share more of her story with others, pursuing new relationships, and trusting that God will carry her through. She wrote, "I will not hold back, because He never lets go". Amazing!! I am moved by her beautiful spirit. Here's a great pic of them in action in New Hampshire!Psalm 23:5 - You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ray LaMontagne!!

So friends...after a fantastic weekend with college students out in the wilderness I had the privilege of heading to the Boston Opera House downtown for a little concert. One of my favorites Ray LaMontagne was playing and it was quite a show. My friend Beth came along and we had a grand ol time! Here's a little sampling:

P.S. You should all go get his new fun!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


As most of you know, I'm instructing a class at Gordon college teaching spiritual, character, and group development using outdoor education elements. In this course, participants are on a ropes course two days a week and then we take a camping trip somewhere within our class time. Well, this past weekend we had the joy of heading up to New Hampshire to see how the leaves had changed and to try to stay warm while camping in the 30-40 degree weather. We hiked some wonderful trails and admired some truly amazing and colorful trees. The leaves had changed up north and we were in for a treat. Click on this link for some pictorial highlights - you won't regret it!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's been forever!

Well friends,
It's been too long! August went by in a flash and I just completed my first day back in classes for the fall semester. I'm in my third and final year at seminary and it's wonderful to see the end in sight! However, while I was on a blog hiatus I did a few fun things I thought I would share. We took my dad to the state fair for his birthday while I was home for a visit. Then, upon return to Massachusetts a friend and I took a day trip down to Newport, Rhode Island (only an hour and a half away) and enjoyed seeing the beautiful mansions from the 1600's. Finally, I am instructing a class at Gordon College with incoming freshman. I facilitate a group of 12 freshman as they work through ropes course elements and team initiatives as a way to develop in character and in their relationships with God, both together and individually. The course is right up my alley and I look forward to finishing it out by taking them camping in New Hampshire in October! I'll keep you updated! Here are a few photos that highlight the past month.

That one's for you Dad!! (mom made him put them on...I made him take the picture ;)

Who knew they had Alpaca's at the fair!

Jill and Me walking along the cliff walk with all the mansions on the sea!

My class...putting themselves in order from youngest to oldest while remaining on the log and being told they couldn't speak...they did a great job!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Adventure Camp is over!!

It's been a little less than a month since I last posted on this here blog....not sure if anyone outside my family reads it anyway....but I owe an update. I have been staying quite busy!! I have been working at camp about 60+ hours a week at a fabulous day camp at Gordon College. I have mainly been working alongside the college-aged counselors and staff members, encouraging them and providing administrative support in running the camp. It was such a wonderful time of using my seminary education to lead devotionals and worship in the mornings which has helped to give me motivation to finish out my education in May! I loved getting to talk with some of the women and getting to be outside on the water, climbing trees in the woods, and rock climbing in the gym. Not too shabby of a summer….Here are some pics of staff that I worked with!

Gull Pond - I spent many afternoons here

80's themed birthday party for my boss!

went cliff jumping with some of the fun!

Me and Caleb at staff celebration - he was our chef!

Angelica, me and Molly - our waterfront staff!

Kelly and Me

Staff Photo at celebration!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Over the fourth of July weekend I had the great pleasure of heading down to our nation's capitol to get together with some friends that I spent my time in Israel with. All of the students I went to school with in Israel are now either scattered throughout the states or still over there studying away. My friend Anna and I (who was in Israel and is also a fellow student at GCTS) drove down to Virginia, just outside DC, to join a dear friend Karin!! Walt joined us from Southern Virginia and we had such a wonderful time!!

Walter brought moonshine....It was weird and probably won't be tasted again

We went to a beautiful meadow to watch fireworks and enjoy a fourth of July festival...they had some interesting hats there in the south!

Native Americans at the festival

We journeyed into DC to go to a folklife festival put on by the was really fun!

Then we crashed a wedding at the national was still open to the public even though there was a wedding going bizarre!

The National Cathedral

We finished off the vacation with a little bit of lounging around at Karin's and a little round of pool!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Busy day at work yesterday...

Ground-current Incident Causes No Injuries to La Vida Adventure Camp Staff

July 2, 2008

Kristin Schwabauer
Office of College Communications


This afternoon, July 2, 14 La Vida Adventure campers in the 14-15-year-old program, along with four adult staff members, were at Red Rock, an outdoor rock-climbing area in West Gloucester, as part of their normal schedule of activities. When the staff learned of the storm coming, they followed the Board of Health Safety Protocols for lightning--to come down from any high area before a storm hits and seek shelter in a building or vehicle. All campers and one staff member got to safety 15-20 minutes before the storm struck.

The campers were waiting in the College mini-bus at the parking lot while three staff members remained at Red Rock to pack up the rock-climbing equipment from the site. While walking along the trail back to the parking lot, at approximately 1:30 p.m., the three staff members felt a ground current from a lightning strike under their feet. Ground current occurs when lightning, hitting the ground, spreads out in all directions along the ground, dissipating as it goes. Though shaken, the staff members did not appear to have been injured, and drove themselves back to the Gordon College campus. In order to be certain that they were allright, they went to nearby Beverly Hospital to be checked out. As of 4:15 p.m., two of the three had been released from the hospital; the third was in stable condition and will be released pending some tests. All La Vida staff are college age or older. The staff members have asked that their names not be released.

For 38 years Gordon's La Vida program has provided adventure-based outdoor education. The goal of La Vida Adventure Camp, in existence for 12 years, is to build character, positive self-identity and a commitment to serve and care for others using small-group experiential learning.

In 2005 and 2006, the La Vida Adventure Camp was named "Best Summer Camp" by Community Newspaper Company's Reader's Choice Awards.

I wasn't one of the injured but I spent the afternoon and evening in the hospital making sure all was well. Nothing like a little lightning to get you all trained just in case I am going to be a chaplain someday!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My sister tagged me to do now I must indulge my desire to procrastinate!

A - Attached or single:
single and taking advantage of it by traveling about!
B - Best Friend: sister and it's too hard to choose the rest!
C - Cake or Pie: Mom's Kentucky Derby Pie (Pecan pie with chocolate chips)..definitely have to echo Sarah on add her Apple's a favorite!
D - Day of the Week: Saturday...I get to sleep in!
E - Essential Item: iPod
F - Favorite Color: Red or Blue...or both
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: worms for sure
H - Home town: Everett - I grew up there, Boston - I live here now
I - Indulgences: Reading magazines like "People", "Outdoors", "Real Simple"
J - January or July?: This Year, January because I'll be in Italy....but usually the answer is July because it's freezing in January.
K - Kids: someday
L - Life is incomplete without: Jesus....yep, I grew up in Sunday School
M - Marriage Date: TBA
N - Number of Siblings: 1 amazing sister
O - Oranges or Apples: Washington Apples!! Except the red delicious
P - Phobias or Fears: I don't know....being stuck somewhere by myself and in a very troubling circumstance?
Q - Quote: "“People who believe they must handle all their problems on their own often refuse to face problems they can’t handle.” – Larry Crabb; “If we have the time to even think about the issue of poverty, we are rich” – Dean Borgman
R - Reason To Smile: God, Family, Friends - spending the summer working with college students while rock climbing, kayaking, mountain biking, and climbing on ropes courses
S - Season: Fall
T - Tag Three: "I don't feel like playing tag today" said a very unruly camper today
U - Unknown fact about me: I have wanted to travel to Australia since I was about 9
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: oppressor...but I've been considering becoming a vegetarian lately because I have to buy 9 pounds of deli meat every week for camp and it grosses me out....and, BBQ in Texas is very good
W - Worst Habit: lately, it's been moving too much....although, procrastinating is a great second best
X - Rays or Ultrasounds: x-rays....none of that goopy gel stuff all over you
Y - Your favorite food: anything.....and then chocolate chip cookies to polish it off!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo, but I don't believe in it

Monday, June 30, 2008

Saturday Night in Freeport, Maine

Saturday night I had the great privilege of driving up to Freeport, Maine with my dear friend Jill to catch a free concert at the L.L. Bean concert series (we braved the rain but it was worth it). We drove up to catch one of my favorite musicians, Martin Sexton. I've uploaded a little bit of film capturing some of the natives of Maine providing endless entertainment as they danced and then a little bit of the good music that Marin plays. Enjoy!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

I moved.....again!!

I moved into a room in a wonderful family's home up closer to the Seminary. It makes my commute to Gordon college brief for my summer job as the Assistant Director of an Adventure Camp here. It's been a blast but exhausting so far!! I love the new place and my own space! I only have to share the bathroom with another female tenant but she is great too! Here's some pics of my new room and more from camp to follow!

The view from the back looking at the front door (I have a private entrance to the room). That's a bit of a walk-in closet on the left!

TV nook (free cable!)

Bookshelves and little fridge/microwave when I don't want to cook in the kitchen! The bathroom is where the door is just to the left of the book shelves.

Desk and Bed in the back...the door goes to the porch and on to the kitchen

the view to the right of the front door...there is a huge mirror in the room making it feel bigger

The outside private entrance

The entrance is to the right corner of the picture...this is the side the back is the small pool

Path to the front yard and front of the house

The house!

the room is off in the back to the right