Monday, February 25, 2008

Spring is in the air....kind of

Today's high was a nice crisp 45 degrees which meant a couple of things. 1. I could run outside next to the beach. 2. The sun was out in fine form and warmed me up a little more than normal even with snow on the ground. 3. Spring is on it's way!! Although the official Spring season will not begin for quite a while here in Boston, I was grateful for the reprieve from all the snow. After a little jog on the path by the water, I took my camera out for a spin. Here are the results:

The beach by my house

The Boston Harbor Yacht Club

A little park with some cute old guys sitting on a bench

Spring is in the air

A little seagull returning to the North for the Spring

Benches at the Beach

Friday, February 22, 2008

Loving California!

I took a little mid-winter break back to California to visit friends and the warm weather! Although the weather was little rainy the last couple days, spending time with friends was much needed and so much fun! California and my friends seem to be pulling at my heart strings these days...who knows, maybe I'll move back someday! (no promises girls!)

We went on a little "hike" by the Newport Dunes on a beautiful Monday afternoon! My friends took the afternoon off from nice!

On the "hike".....Lauren, Kaitlyn, Kellee, and Me

Haning out at Beth's place with the girls!

I also got to see lots of other wonderful friends and share great meals together...I just forgot my camera...oops! Thanks friends for the great times!!

Friday, February 15, 2008


I do love Fridays. I usually get very little done but enjoy doing things a little out of the ordinary or something new and adventurous from time to time. On this Friday's menu: baking Cinnamon Raisin Bread. I am not entirely sure what compelled me to bake bread, or Cinnamon Raisin Bread for that matter, but I'm glad I gave it a whirl. I worked out this morning, got ready for the day, and headed to the grocery store to get all of the ingredients. After realizing that the recipe I printed out from Martha Stewart's website calls for a Kitchen-Aid $250 mixer....I did a virtual time warp and sent myself to the "days of old" when they didn't have those silly mixers. I was convinced that one day they used to make bread without that's what I did. Here's the final result....and they taste pretty darn good if you ask me!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!
Love to you all!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This class I'm taking

Every Tuesday night I walk into a classroom at 6pm anticipating the learning process that will last until we leave at 9pm. This class is called "Biblical Global Justice". Basically, we discuss the issues of social and Biblical justice while trying to develop an understanding of what scripture has to say about justice and in time, we develop a theology and practice of Biblical justice. The people that make up this class are from all over the world, which is unique to a class at Gordon-Conwell. There is a man from Zimbabwe, a woman from Kenya, several from Korea, a few from China, a man from India, and the list continues. This is quite possibly the most diverse class I have taken in seminary and I love how much it adds to my learning, particularly in this area of study. In doing the reading and listening to the discussion on social justice issues in the world and our role as Christians, based on scriptures mandates to care for the oppressed, I have felt convicted, disappointed in the Church, and encouraged to do my part. Living in the city so far this semester has caused me to be so much more aware of people from other socio-enomic and culture backgrounds. Even today on the bus, I witnessed the business professionals on their way to work paradoxicallly sitting next to the poor and disinfranchised. Holding these issues in balance calls me to remain content that God has placed me in middle class America while requiring me to have a heart for the poor, widowed, and oppressed. How in the world am I supposed to be content knowing I am about to go buy a new TV when the woman next to me on the train doesn't even have lunch today? I am not sure how it all works but I know it often seems overwhelming. So my professors encourages us to sit in the tension between the rich and the poor, to enjoy what we have been blessed with while having a heart for and an awareness of those who have nothing emotionally and physically. While that is a liberating concept for me to consume and digest, I still feel caught in the middle of these issues. I am then called to wait on the day when:

Every valley shall be lifted up,
and every mountain and hill be made low;
the uneven ground shall become level,
and the rough places a plain.
And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
and all flesh shall see it together,
for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”
Isaiah 40:4-5

Oh, Jerusalem...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Yael Naim - Toxic

Okay, So I came to discover this artist through the new Apple MacBook Air commercial that features her song, "New Soul". However, upon doing further research....I love her stuff! She's totally weird and creative and I like it! This video is a remake she did of Britney Spears' song "Toxic". Listening to it in this remake makes me realize how ridiculous some hip-hop/pop lyrics are and how much they can be cries for help. Anyhow, just thought this was an interesting remake and comparing it to the original makes it even more amazing. If you do decide to look up Britney's video of the song on YouTube, do yourself a favor and only listen to the first 20 seconds. Oh, and one more awesome thing I discovered is that Yael Naim is Israeli!! Crazy! Hope you all enjoy!

P.S. this is what I do when I'm procrastinating....look for new music! I should get back to my reading now!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Superbowl

Well's been a while since I posted...I've been a busy girl getting started on the new semester, getting classes squared away, and figuring out how to get around without a GPS while driving in Boston. At any rate, it has been an eventful day with the big game for the New England Patriots. My roommate and I went to a house of a few friends from church to watch the big game. It was a room full of overzealous football fans and passion New England sports fans. One thing to learn about Boston is their loyalty to their sports teams and there emotional involvement in the lives of the players! This we have learned from their infinity (and mine) for the Red Sox. My roommate is pretty sure she's dating Tom Brady. However, upon eating our fill of football junk food and watching the Patriots lose after a perfect season, these fans turn from extreme enthusiasts to depressed, full of junk food, and feeling sick from both the intake of calories and disgust at the loss of what could have been THE FIRST PERFECT NFL SEASON!! I better go help my roommate get nursed back to sports fan health by watching a few episodes of "Friends" and forgetting the game ever happened. By the way, she says she's dumping Tom Brady....should be an interesting conversation. :)

P.S. For those interested, I changed my degree program from Masters of Divinity to a dual program. I'll end up with a masters of arts in religion and a masters of arts in theology when all is said and done. I'll graduate in the same time (May 2009) and get to focus on more specific interests. My concentration will be in Biblical worship and how the use of media and arts impact spiritual formation. Anyhow, it makes me excited to continue on this educational journey!!