Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Are you kidding me?

The other day I went to the gym with my new friend Laurie. As we were working out we saw a commercial for delicious looking, stuffed crust pizza. Between the sweating and the salivating, Laurie found herself craving some serious pizza. While I am a pizza fan myself, I wasn't nearly as hungry. However, Laurie's wish was about to become her reality. Not even two minutes later, in walked a pizza delivery boy with 25 piping hot pies.....I kid you not. At the gym? Seriously? 25 calorie invested, fat induced, deliciously smelling, and taste bud stimulating pizzas were invited into our local Planet fitness. I was shocked....appalled, and so incredibly intrigued. Were they trying a new marketing tactic? The more they feed us, the more we work out? Do they realize they are putting the temptation of satan in front of every weight watcher in the building? Apparently not!

Anyhow, Laurie and I put on our big girl pants on and refused to grow weak in the sight of temptation. We patted ourselves on the back and marched out of that gym like stronger people, physically, emotionally, and spiritually...amen and amen!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I forgot to tell you all that on August 15, I turned 25...yep, a quarter century. So far the new age has not been a problem, although I must say that it has been weird telling people I'm "25". One friend told me that I have to start rounding up to 30, but I disagree. Another friend told me that now I can officially call myself an adult because the frontal lobe of my brain is now fully developed....not sure how to respond to that. For what it's worth, the older I get, the more I'm aware that God is faithful and I think that's all that matters in the long run. In fact, I think life can only can sweeter.

The Kelley's and Farrell's threw me a was great fun!

Friday, September 4, 2009

It's been far too long!

Hey Friends and Fam.....I would generally apologize for such a long blogging hiatus but it's been busy! I have found myself continually in transition mode as I get comfortable here in Florida. It's been fun to get to know people here, explore different beaches with friends and my Florida family, and get settled into a new ministry opportunity! As many of you know, I am planning and part of launching a new worship service for young adults. It is called, "anthem" and if you are interested in learning more, check out the website at It's been great fun, a bit stressful lately, but very exciting to anticipate what God will do with this service. We are launching September 20th and have a preview launch on the 13th! Be praying for us, that young adults would come to worship and grow in their understanding of God's word, and in their journeys with Christ. I've included some pictures here to highlight some fun things I've gotten to do this summer....first time snorkeling!! Florida has been a great spot for me, God has provided friends and family here, and He is definitely moving through me during this season of growth for me. More updates to come as the service gets underway!

Molly's birthday in July

The fam came for a visit and we went to fun! Not sure how Spencer got out of this picture!

Great friend Laurie and I goofing off on a mini-vacation to Hutchinson Island and Singer Island with Jeninne and her family

Laurie, Jeninne, and her daughter Lilly at Singer Island

Singer Island, FL....the water is so clear and we got to snorkel around the reef!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pretty Sure

I'm pretty sure I'm employed at one of the best churches out there.....had a launch meeting tonight and everyone that came, cleaned up at the end. No questions, I didn't even have to think about getting food.....people in the church did it all for me!! Wow....this place know how to support each other!

Grateful that God knows what I need before I need it...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quick Update

Hey Friends....sorry it's been forever but here's why...check it out!

I'm in the biggest planning portions of our new service launching in September and find myself keeping my head in all things "Anthem". One of these days, I'll give you a really great update!

For now, and since I last updated, I got to celebrate Molly's graduation from pre-school, which was way more fun than my Gordon-Conwell graduation ceremony! And, I've also really enjoyed people down here....the south is much more friendly!!

My Florida Family - The Farrell's and the Kelley's

Friday, June 12, 2009

New Worship

Well job is officially underway and I think it's great!! I am starting up a new worship service at the church, geared toward the "20-something" generation. It was a long brainstorming process but our official name for the service is (drum roll please), Anthem!

So, that means I'm beginning to reserach how to advertise and market to this area and it is a crazy time!! If you're interested in following our process, join us on facebook and become a fan at our page. Just search "Anthem Worship"and you'll find us with a picture of a retro microphone.

Oh, this is going to be fun!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Well friends,

I'm officially a Florida resident and feeling more at home here by the day! It's been amazing to have friends here who are family to me.....they have made this transition such a breeze and have been gracious in their support and care for me. What a difference from feeling more "on my own" out in Massachusetts. It helps me to continue valuing family even more! (even though their technically not related!...ha, not to me!)

So, there are two special little kids I've been spending a great deal of time with while I've been here and they both have the best stories. However, Molly's young age makes it even more interesting. Yesterday, we were playing in the house and she was hiding in the corner, pretending to be a ghost. I asked the ghost (Molly) what it's name is and she replied, "Ham" (pronounced with a LONG a) and the ghost's nickname was named "bologna" and it's second nickname was, you guessed it, "cheese". So funny!

If I had a better memory I could pass along even funnier stories, but I'm sure there will be many to come! Thanks for all your prayers and support that have brought me to this point.....God is good!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's official.....

I am fully graduated and commenced! Here are some photo was a great celebration with friends and family!

My great friend from college, Kaitlyn, came out from California for the celebration!
Thanks Kait!

Me and Ang with the giant diplomas!

The fam!

Mom brought glittery 2009 glasses and here's a shot of the cousins and fam wearing them!

Last, but certainly not least, we got to celebrate mother's day with mom live and in person!! That's the first time we were all together for that since I was 17! I have the best mom in the world....she's a hard worker, loves the Lord, she is a great coach and shepherd, and I love laughing with her! Happy mother's day mom!! (just a few days late)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Senior Banquet

The graduation festivities have begun!! On Friday night we were treated to a great meal at the Marriot Hotel as graduating seniors. It was a fun time of chatting with friends and sharing a some good food together. Let the celebration begin!

Our Table group at the dinner.....although, these were some of my closest friends while here in seminary. Breanne, Brandon (soon to be married!), Aaron, Angie, Kendra and Chris!

The Ladies....Kendra, Angie, Breanne, and Me!

My friend Avonelle has kept me entertained in classes this year! She's been a great friend!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

April Highlights

Hey all my work has been done for a bit, I have been able to travel around New England and took a quick, whirlwind trip to NYC. Here are some photo highlights:

Trip to Amherst, MA to see Emily Dickinson's house....a favorite poet!

Emily's house....too bad they were doing construction but they are trying to restore and recreate the front hedge that used to be in front of the house.

Times Square! We had a hotel room really close to Times Square...we could see the ball from our room!

Angie and Me.....working the aviator glasses

We got tickets to see Lion King on Broadway and it was so amazing!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Discovery Camping....Round 2!

I've been teaching another Discovery class at Gordon College this semester and last weekend I took the class camping up in New Hampshire! It was too cold to camp in tents and we were so blessed to have a cabin for the weekend. Amazing!

The Group on the top of Mt. Major

View of Lake Winnipesaukee from Mt. Major

View from the back door of the cabin.....unbelievable

The Group on top of Bald Peak

View of Lake Winnipesaukee from Bald Peak

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Field Trip #1

Because I'm moving in about a month, and because my homework is DONE!, and because it's national poetry month, and because I just feel like it......I'm taking myself on "field trips" in the area to see all the things I have not had the opportunity to see and enjoy during my three years in Massachusetts. So, Monday was a beautiful and was the beginning of a series of "field trips" to come in the upcoming weeks! Hope you enjoy the journey with me!

Stop Number #1 - Lexington-Concord, the road to the revolution!

Old North Bridge in Concord....location where the "shot heard round the world" and the war began!

The Old North Bridge

On the road to Lexington...following the road the British troops fled away from the colonial troops, I encountered first the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson (hence the poetry month)

Emerson's house.....obviously under renovation

The School of Philosophy started by Dr. Alcott (Louisa May's father) in the 1800's

The Alcott's "Orchard House"....just in front of the school of philosophy and "home" of "The Little Women"

The Alcott's "Wayside" home and later home of Nathaniel Hawthorne

A Tavern on the Battle Road to Lexington

The Battle Green in Lexington where the first little episodes of fighting began....but the war had not yet broken out

Stop #2: Walden Pond! Home of Henry David Thoreau

Replica of Thoreau's tiny cabin in the woods

Location of the cabin along the pond

View of the pond from the cabin site...through the trees!

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Beginnings

Well Friends, God is good and I have a job!! During my recent visit to Oviedo, Florida, I interviewed for a position at University Carillon United Methodist Church ( and was offered a position to start a new service for twenty-something people in the Oviedo area. The church is located right across the street from University of Central Florida, which is a prime location for this kind of ministry. There is nothing in the area right now for 20-something's at churches, however, the campus ministry "Wesley" is alive and active (and actually housed in the church). I will also have connections with "Wesley" and get involved on a volunteer basis with worship leading, etc. I am so excited and will be able to do some creative worship planning, leading of teams, and teaching as a part of this church position. God knew exactly what I needed and had this position picked out for me. The church is still working out the kinks in order to make this a full time position, but even if I do a little work at Starbucks or a local restaurant (waiting tables) on the side, I believe this is exactly where God has called me. In fact, we have some wonderful family friends who I will have the opportunity to serve with at the church and truly love them as family. Ed and Judy Kelley have graciously offered to house me while I get settled. Tim and Tracey (Ed and Judy's daughter) Farrell are advocates that are already on staff at the church and were instrumental in helping me get connected to this ministry. They are friends that have been around since I was born and are very dear to our family....I am so excited and grateful to have them as support during this next season and as friends throughout the process. I will be moving down to Oviedo sometime in May and will start probably toward the end of the month.

This is a picture of me and Molly, Tim and Tracey's daughter!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Recent Reflections

I am preparing to head out to Florida on Friday for a another round of interviews, expectant and hopeful but still a bit cautious to wait and see what God has in mind for me. I was sitting at the beach tonight (in the's still freezing!) and was thinking about how God is just as faithful as the tide that will always ebb and flow, or the sun that always rises and sets. I'm thankful I'm not in control and that He is not safe, but most certainly worth trusting. He has been so near....a true companion.....I couldn't be more blessed.

(Plus, I only have a few short weeks until school is out forever!)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Quick Update

Life is a little full of paper writing and reading to blog with great detail or depth but just thought I'd let you all know how the interviews went. Both the West Virginia and the Philly interviews went well! It was a good practice and helpful experience to have as I continue the search. I'm still not sure what might be next for me but will hear back from these places in the next couple weeks.

In the meantime, I am flying to Florida on Friday to interview for a position with a church and corresponding campus ministry at the University of Central Florida. I am actually really excited about this interview and hope that my time there offers clarity and discernment. We have some great family friends there as well, which promises a great visit to the land of sun and beaches! Can't wait for a little R&R while I'm there....although, I'll definitely still have some reading to do to finish classes in time!

49 days to graduation! Can't believe it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just sittin....

In the Detroit airport, waiting to catch a flight to an interview in Charleston, WV....wish me's going to be a busy day tomorrow! P.S. If you're interested, the church's website is!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recent thoughts

Hey people -
Sorry for the lack of posts these days. I am crunching in on my last few months here at Gordon-Conwell and am loaded with early paper due dates. So, I am a paper writing fool these days and less of a blogger. However, as this season has seemed to be quite overwhelming for me, especially with the job search, I am finding Nicole Nordeman lyrics particularly helpful. From her "Brave" album, she wrote a song called "miles" and it's chorus reflects my present process.

"It may be miles and miles before the journey's clear
there may be rivers, may be oceans of tears
but the very hand that shields your eyes from understanding
is the Hand that will be holding you for miles"

Profound, huh? I'm constantly blown away that there is someone out there holding my hand in this process. Although it is often overwhelming, He continues to remind me I'm not on my own. Hope He is present to you today with that same kind of grace and mercy. Thanks to all of you who hear my complaints and frustrations and tears through this process. I am confident (most of the time) that God is "holding me for miles" as the journey unfolds. Headed to West Virginia and Philadelphia on Saturday for some second interviews...I'd appreciate any prayers you could offer! I'll keep you all updated as the next stage of the journey unravels.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

February update....a little late

February was full of travel...much like November, December, and January! :) It started with some interview with CCO (a campus ministry organization based in Pittsburgh), then off to a wedding in Phoenix, then to LA for a little time with friends (during reading week), and then back to the snow in Boston! It was great fun to be with are some highlights.

College friends at the wedding - Kim and Angela

College Friends - Erin and Anna

We all lived on the same floor for a couple years in college - BMW's!

The Bride, Rebecca, and Me after it got chilly and we had to add the sweaters to our attire!

On to Los Angeles....making pasta with friends...and a very small strainer...took five times to empty the pot!

Enjoy dinner with great college friends - Kristen, Kaitlyn, and Lauren

"Post-Ski" Party with cousins....of course, none of us were just coming from skiing, although we dressed like it!