Thursday, July 14, 2011

The End of an Era

The title makes it seem like this is going to be a sad and sentimental some ways that is true, and in most ways it couldn't be farther from the truth.

Tonight I will be donning my sweatpants (sweat "capri's" for this Florida resident...too hot for the full length) and grabbing two friends to head to the last installment of the Harry Potter saga. That's right, the nerd inside me is trilled that the "Hallows: Part 2" has finally arrived and the we get to watch the story unfold. Although I spent a summer a couple years ago reading through the whole series, and I know how it is all going to end, I couldn't be more excited about watching the story come to a close on the big screen.

We'll get to see these fine characters capture some more horcruxes (sp?...only J.K. Rowling would know) and come to a place of peace when all is said and done for "the one who shall not be named." Anybody else excited?! Don't be shy, we can be Potter nerds together.

I imagine we'll run into several Potter enthusiasts tonight at the midnight showing and I'm secretly just as excited to see what kind of characters show up at the theater tonight, (spoiler alerts) as I am for Voldemort's days to be over. I'll be sure to come back with a recap on my experience staying up way past my bedtime to join the masses waiting anxiously to watch the final addition come to life on the screen. Stayed tuned.....

P.S. This photo is way too intense for those classes.....can I get a witness?

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