Monday, September 24, 2007

The Beautiful Mediterranean

Well, it's been another week since I blogged....I'll try to be a little more frequent. However, it seems as if all the fun things, worth blogging about, happen on the weekends. Anyway, here's the update. Classes have been getting a little more challenging and Biblical Hebrew seems to need a great deal of my attention. I think if I stick with it daily I'll get the hang of it. All of the homework and studying necessitated a day off this weekend and a group of twelve of us headed to the beach. We took a Sherut (group taxi/shuttle) to Tel Aviv and sat on the beach of the Mediterranean all day. It was so nice and a much needed break. We spent the extra twelve shekels ($3) and rented lounge chairs for the day which was an added bonus. The water was so warm but still refreshing from the heat. We also sipped smoothies and went out for Mexican food for dinner (not our best's a little weird here in Israel). The beach was beautiful and the company likewise. Here are some pics from the day!

A view of the hotels along the beach in Tel Aviv

The Sunset!

Natalie, Jenna, and Me
Love these girls! We had so much fun!!


Dulcinator said...


glad you are taking the opportunities you have to rest and let yourself recover from all that you are taking in each week.

i was talking to a friend and she said that the one thing about jerusalem that was disappointing was that it was really commercialized. you havent talked about that, so i didnt know what your take was. obviously, your experience is a little different than a tourists since you are staying for so long and really learning while you are there as well.

hope you got a tan. it's 50 degrees and raining here. :)

Jill said...

It looks like you had a lovely time at the beach. Yeah I definitely told your bus adventure to a group of Gordon students at church on Sunday (no worries, no names of course!) I miss you chicky and I hope that God is blessing you immensely with friends. I also pray you are experiencing Him in new and different ways that are helping you grow and stretch in your faith. Love you peach!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it fun to say you went to the Mediterranean....