Saturday, January 10, 2009


For those that keep up with this blog...many of you may be wondering how I feel about the current violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip right now after I spent a semester living there. Well, a good friend of mine, who is still living there, said it well on her blog:

On Wednesday I'm headed back to Jerusalem to visit friends and check out a few things I missed seeing during my time there. I'll be there for about ten days and return on the 25th of January with a quick overnight stay in Madrid. On that note, if you feel so compelled, I would appreciate prayers for safety. Not just for my travel but for those civilians suffering from the violence on both sides of the fight. I trust that God is sovereign and in control of this conflict, and even of my travels. I am not anxious to travel there in any way and will be in Jerusalem the whole time. I am looking forward to a visit with some dear friends and can't wait to be back in a place that I love so much! I hope and pray you are all having a wonderful new year!!

1 comment:

Dulcinator said...

wow, em. that hits close to home. i will be praying for you, for the people, and for your travels. much love, dear friend.