Saturday, May 30, 2009


Well friends,

I'm officially a Florida resident and feeling more at home here by the day! It's been amazing to have friends here who are family to me.....they have made this transition such a breeze and have been gracious in their support and care for me. What a difference from feeling more "on my own" out in Massachusetts. It helps me to continue valuing family even more! (even though their technically not related!...ha, not to me!)

So, there are two special little kids I've been spending a great deal of time with while I've been here and they both have the best stories. However, Molly's young age makes it even more interesting. Yesterday, we were playing in the house and she was hiding in the corner, pretending to be a ghost. I asked the ghost (Molly) what it's name is and she replied, "Ham" (pronounced with a LONG a) and the ghost's nickname was named "bologna" and it's second nickname was, you guessed it, "cheese". So funny!

If I had a better memory I could pass along even funnier stories, but I'm sure there will be many to come! Thanks for all your prayers and support that have brought me to this point.....God is good!


Dulcinator said...

Funness, Em! Sounds like you are a happy gal. Is Molly the little girl you live with? Are you babysitting them? Hope it's good!

Kaitlyn said...

Love little ones....they bring smiles so easily to our faces! :)