Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Are you kidding me?

The other day I went to the gym with my new friend Laurie. As we were working out we saw a commercial for delicious looking, stuffed crust pizza. Between the sweating and the salivating, Laurie found herself craving some serious pizza. While I am a pizza fan myself, I wasn't nearly as hungry. However, Laurie's wish was about to become her reality. Not even two minutes later, in walked a pizza delivery boy with 25 piping hot pies.....I kid you not. At the gym? Seriously? 25 calorie invested, fat induced, deliciously smelling, and taste bud stimulating pizzas were invited into our local Planet fitness. I was shocked....appalled, and so incredibly intrigued. Were they trying a new marketing tactic? The more they feed us, the more we work out? Do they realize they are putting the temptation of satan in front of every weight watcher in the building? Apparently not!

Anyhow, Laurie and I put on our big girl pants on and refused to grow weak in the sight of temptation. We patted ourselves on the back and marched out of that gym like stronger people, physically, emotionally, and spiritually...amen and amen!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

hahaha! That is amazing! :) I think I would have eaten one. lol.