Monday, May 3, 2010

New beginnings

This year has been a year of new beginnings and tons of change and transition. One would think that this would have been a really wonderful time to blog and journal, but alas, I have been MIA for months! It seems as though I've needed to detach from the internet world and embrace the experiences and emotions I've experienced. So here's a short list of such experiences/emotions to catch you all up:

- Tons of game nights with great new friends here in Oviedo
- A few trips to DisneyWorld with family and new friends - (some new friends work at Disney and graciously get my roommate and I in for free! - Thanks David!)
- Enjoyed and was so cared for during my six months living with good family friends here in Oviedo, the Kelley's and Farrell's.
- Helped coach a 9 year boys flag football fun! thanks Tracey!
- Moved into a new apt. in November with my great new friend, Laurie! (although we already feel like we've known each other for ages....grateful for her!)
- Been challenged by ministry and it's ups and downs after starting a new ministry to young adults here in Oviedo/Orlando
- Experienced God teach and grow my heart as I am called to trust Him more each day
- Helped rescue a seagull from the scary Florida drivers on the side of the road (Laurie loves animals) - this is a blog post all on it's own, for another day and time
- Loved and was so encouraged by a trip to see great college friends and share in one of their weddings - pulled out the trumpet for that occasion....that was quite the experience
- Went on a road trip to Charleston, SC and Savannah with much fun!
- Spent the weekend with my grandparents in KY for Thanksgiving - learned a ton about life while I was there (again, a post for another day)
- Splashed in the apt. pool late at night when it was still warm out
- Am sharing in the joy of the iPhone...oh brother, it's addicting!

That's enough for now but know that there is more to come in the days ahead. Hope I post enough that you might have reason to stop by again!

Much Love Bloggers and friends....thanks for offering grace and having me back!

1 comment:

Dulcinator said...

Welcome back, my dear one! Miss you and thinking good thoughts your way about your upcoming journeys!