Friday, May 13, 2011


Well friends, it seems an update would help offer some context and set the tone for what you might find on my blog these days.

About four months ago, I left a ministry position at a church here in Florida where I helped brainstorm and launch a new worship service. I was there for about a year and a half but knew without a shadow of a doubt that God was calling me away from that ministry after some changes were being discussed. Just after leaving a began a season of discernment on what might be next for me. I traveled up to the northeast for a little road trip with my roomy visiting family and friends, while also meeting with a guy named Bob Perkins. Bob is the visionary behind "Vision for your Life" which helps folks determine how to best use their gifts and talents in the work force. During the process Bob had me writing my life history, taking some personality/psychological assessment tests, and doing quite a bit of digging into my personal life. This process helped me to discover that at the very core of who I am and who I was created to be, my "core motivator" in life is to "care" for others. This discovery was not a total surprise but more of a spoken reality about my nature. With this reminder about what I loved about my time as an Resident Assistant in college, and ministering to the needs of others in church ministry, I'm headed back to school! Bob and I both agreed that pursuing more education was necessary to pursue more of the counseling route in ministry. I'm not sure what God might have but I know that taking roles where I serve more in a counseling/pastoral role in the lives of others will be more fulfilling for me and truer to the nature of who I am. This will require more education....good thing I'm a little bit of a nerd!

At this point, I have applied to the University of Central Florida for their Master's in Social Work program which will further lead me to become a licensed marriage and family therapist. Given the large amount of applicants it could be another month before I hear whether or not I'll be starting there in the fall. Hopefully, this will be my next mascot:

In the meantime, I've been sitting very still and waiting on what's next. I have no idea if I'll get into UCF and no idea what to do if I don't get in. I'm doing my best to trust God but sitting still has never been my forte....just ask my folks. I'm hoping I'm learning some good things in the process and I'm going to do my best to share them with you!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Well written. Thanks for returning to your blog. Love you!