Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weekend Update

Sometimes I wish I was as funny as Tiny Fey and as you read the title of this blog, you'd jump for joy at the coming sarcasm and jokes that make millions. Unfortunately, you'll have to settle for the literal interpretation and the non-SNL update....this is literally an update on my weekend.

But it gets even better. My college friend Rebecca, who I have the joy of sharing life with here in San Antonio (at least for this year), did a wonderful job cataloging our weekend away. We hit the road with her sweet husband, and went to Houston to visit one of his college friends and see that area of Texas for ourselves. Actually it was more like Seabrook and Galveston, but who's counting. She documented our weekend away with charm and gusto over at her blog that I think you should visit! Weekend update: here

Our trip was a Saturday to Sunday whirlwind but we had a great time! But if it was just a Saturday to Sunday trip you might be wondering what else I do with my time in my "minimally" employed state :). Thanks for asking. I'm a sign making machine! That's right....signs. Not the type of "signs" you find in the New Testament, the plain old wooden ones. I was inspired by some friends of mine, Andy and Tara Lowry. They have a ton of creative juices flowing through their home and I first copied one of their creations, the city sign, that Tara blogs about on her fabulous and insightful blog. Here's my take on the city sign:

Tara and Andy are also making these awesome "Family Rules" signs that you can order from them on Tara's blog. Just click on this word, "link", and go check it out. She's even giving one away, some with Christmas words on them. Go order one!!!

I'm not sure Tara and Andy should have showed me how to make these signs because now I'm coping their original idea and making all kinds of signs for friends and family. Here's the one I made for my soon-to-be niece's nursery:

Right now I'm in the process of making one for a friend as a Christmas present and making a small one that is going to be a fun little Christmas decoration just for me! Can't wait to post the final products! Maybe I should start selling these babies and call this my other part-time job because Lord knows they take awhile to make! :) Hope you all had a great weekend and are doing things you enjoy.


Rebecca said...

I think you are that funny! It was a fun weekend!

Perhaps I can come over to the sign making work shop and make one too, with the sign making master.


Between You and Me said...


Thanks for the shout out, friend!

I've added you to the "places I frequent" so that I can read your blog more regularly!

Miss you!