Thursday, January 12, 2012


This morning I was greeted with an email from a wonderful family friend checking in and reminding me of some of God's truth. She had no idea I needed it. She started the email, "Daughter of the Most High". All day I have been thinking, "daughter of the King."

Last summer, I was walking around Disney World with some friends. My friend Laurie had her family in town and they were all there, including her sweet 7 year old niece. For the record, Promise is now 8 :). Promise is in love with the Disney princesses and was keenly in search of her very own Disney princess gown. She made her most important selections and waited patiently in line to meet each Disney Princess, live and in color. As we approached the front, I watched Promise grow anxious with excitement as the fine moment arrived. She was enthralled with longing in her eyes, dreaming to be just like those princesses some day. I mentioned to her dad that I wasn't much into princesses at her age. I just could not identify with their Disney story as I rode my bike and played outside. He told me that he always calls Promise "his princess," and that ultimately it is because she is God's princess.

(don't these girls look like they could use some sweatpants and a coke?)

For some reason I thought about this idea of myself being God's princess for a REALLY long time, and I just didn't love it. As I recounted this story and the things my mind had lingered on, a friend asked me an important question. She said, "well, what is your definition of a princess?" She reminded me that if I only thought of myself as a Disney-defined princess, I'd be a lost cause. But being God's princess doesn't mean I have to wear high-heels, because Lord knows I'd never sing up for that for the long term. It also doesn't mean I have to wear lots of lace or even keep random talking animals around as pets. More importantly, I does mean that I am a daughter of the KING.

Lately, like so often, I have been thinking about my singleness and who's I am as I walk each mile. And this, my friends, is the hardest part.

I have spent many years in my castle's tower as a "lady in waiting." Secretly, as to not appear weak, hoping in fine Disney-form, for my prince to arrive and save me from loneliness or despair. I would have asked him to cross that treacherous moat of insecurity, battle the dragon of depression and discontent, and find the key buried way down deep, to unlock the tower door to my freedom. A tall order for a prince of even the strongest stature.

This year in particular, in my waiting, God has given me something else; what I really needed. Calling me a daughter of the King, His very princess, He's reminded me that my castle's tower door has already been open. The true freedom I desire stands resting in the truth that I am already His. In my mess and brokenness He invites me to the feast, satisfied with my jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers. No longer powerless but empowered in the shadow of the resurrection. He wants me, dragon and all. I am a princess, clothes with strength and dignity because that was His plan. Purposed for His kingdom and adorned with His peace. With majesty He greets me in the morning and I lavish Him with praise as we walk together, the Kingdom at hand.

He asks me to wait for my earthly prince charming with patience and renewed expectation, acknowledging who's I am - a Daughter of THE King.

Will you join me in living out of our significance as Sons and Daughters?

Thank God I don't have to wait in a big 'ol scratchy, lacy, gown.

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