Monday, September 17, 2007


Just after a long day in the field on Saturday, about fifty of us signed up to head north to the National Nature Preserve called Yehuddiya. It's up in the Golan hills and is so beautiful. As we were driving along the road the area looks dry, desert-like, and even slightly desolate. However, when you hike down in between the hills there are many waterfalls and beautiful sights. It was a really difficult hike and we even had to swim a little ways to continue on the trail. But, it was most definitely worth the effort and swimming in the water holes under the falls was magnificent. It was a gorgeous day!! Here are some pics!

This is a before picture with some of my friends (also girls in my small group)....we were looking ready for a hike!

Beginning of the was so hot and desertlike that it seemed like I would never survive this hike if it was like this the whole time!

However, we arrived at the first waterfall and were very relieved

Sometimes we would have to climb down little stairs in the rock because it was too steep...we were climbing over rocks and boulders most of the time anyway

Some of the girls in my small group!

The last waterfall we came to was my favorite. The mist in the back right was so fun to stand under and it was a constant stream of felt so good!! It was such a fun little place to swim and jump in off the cliffs! It was beautiful!!

This would be our "after" picture...we were still a bit wet from the swim even though we had just hiked straight up the mountain (the ascent was incredibly difficult...not to mention it was in the the heat of the day!)

The best hike I've been on yet!!!


MTharp said...

I was a little behind on reading your blogs... but I love all the pictures and experiences you're sharing! =) I'll be praying for you too!

Anonymous said...

I would definitely need a helicopter...

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful. You are having such unbelievable adventures! careful! :)


Anonymous said...

Cool oasis in the middle of your desert/rocky/dusty trail how glorious!

Dulcinator said...

sounds absolutely gorgeous, em. glad you are taking opportunities like this to experience God's glory and beauty in nature, even in another country when you are probably tired and aching for a break. you're a tough cookie.