Monday, March 3, 2008

Up in Flames

Today I read an article on the CNN website about a town very closely situated next to mine in Washington. Apparently it is being speculated that a group from an Eco-friendly activist group set fire to $2 million dollar homes in Woodinville. All I have to say is, leave it to people in Seattle to set fire to people's homes and lives for the sake of the earth. I almost think they may have done more damage to the ozone layer with all those chemicals and particles of house floating up into the atmosphere as the house went up in flames. I don't know....I could be very, very wrong. Maybe if they burned up the houses for the sake of bringing attention to our habit of consuming in excess as Americans while neglecting the poor, instead of for the sake of the environment, I might be able to get on board. Except, I've never heard of burning people's houses as a good way to make them aware of their need to give back to the earth and the world around them. Ridiculous....Here's the article for those of you not watching this unfold on local tv:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Em.

I agree. The homes they destroyed were beautiful homes. The damage done to the atmosphere, to people who live in the area and to those who are confused about such issues is staggering.
Not sure it is just Seattle people we are talking about here.
As with anything in life, we need to be careful what we do in the name of "justice" and its effect on society.

Hope you are having a good day.