Friday, April 3, 2009

New Beginnings

Well Friends, God is good and I have a job!! During my recent visit to Oviedo, Florida, I interviewed for a position at University Carillon United Methodist Church ( and was offered a position to start a new service for twenty-something people in the Oviedo area. The church is located right across the street from University of Central Florida, which is a prime location for this kind of ministry. There is nothing in the area right now for 20-something's at churches, however, the campus ministry "Wesley" is alive and active (and actually housed in the church). I will also have connections with "Wesley" and get involved on a volunteer basis with worship leading, etc. I am so excited and will be able to do some creative worship planning, leading of teams, and teaching as a part of this church position. God knew exactly what I needed and had this position picked out for me. The church is still working out the kinks in order to make this a full time position, but even if I do a little work at Starbucks or a local restaurant (waiting tables) on the side, I believe this is exactly where God has called me. In fact, we have some wonderful family friends who I will have the opportunity to serve with at the church and truly love them as family. Ed and Judy Kelley have graciously offered to house me while I get settled. Tim and Tracey (Ed and Judy's daughter) Farrell are advocates that are already on staff at the church and were instrumental in helping me get connected to this ministry. They are friends that have been around since I was born and are very dear to our family....I am so excited and grateful to have them as support during this next season and as friends throughout the process. I will be moving down to Oviedo sometime in May and will start probably toward the end of the month.

This is a picture of me and Molly, Tim and Tracey's daughter!

1 comment:

Dulcinator said...

Did I tell you yet how excited for you and proud of you I am?? :) It's true!