Friday, October 28, 2011

Come to Me

This morning I sat by the river in Boerne. It's grown muddy and dark with the reality of drought all around it. Dry and brittle trees, cracking soil, and ducks scavenging for any morsel of nourishment along the banks. My soul identifies with this river today. Discouragement wants to take precedence in my heart and challenge the quality of my thoughts. Satan speaks lies of insecurity, hopelessness, fear, and doubt. It's thinking about the future that often pulls me from Christ's presence in my present, doubting his faithfulness and struggling to trust that He does not withhold His best for me.

Passers by bring slices of bread for the ducks, hoping to sustain them just a little bit longer as they wait for the land to be nourished once more, and provide the life they need to remain. the Lord reminds me, He is the bread of life, my stubbornness stands hard to receive yet my heart asks for a soft and gentle spirit. There is a child that hands each crumb of crust to the ducks as they wait patiently and dance eagerly for their sweet bite. But if I were the duck in my demanding ways, I'd ask for the girl with the bread to come to me. Didn't Jesus say it's the other way around for the weary and brokenhearted?

Yet still, an older duck crosses my path, limping along to the bread nearly 50 ft away. This duck stops, turns, looks me in the eye as to say, "perseverance isn't about waiting for life to come to you, but to inch your way to it, tiny step by tiny step". Her age and wisdom tell her to move slowly and persistently to the bread, the bringer of life. She stops for a minute to recoup, but steps forward as long as it takes. There is purpose in her steps and motivation in her heart, knowing the nourishment is there if she just puts one foot in front of the other and opens her mouth to receive. And she arrives just in time for the smallest bit of bread, but somehow stands proud, more for the journey than for the small fulfillment of bread at the end of the road.

Lord, that my heart would stand proud of the journey and less consumed by the future promise. Give me a grateful heart that receives life along the way as I attempt to limp along as best I know how. Offer hope in the discouragement and trust despite the lies I hear. For you say to me this morning by the river,

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, Emily, you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28, 29 NLT)

Wait patiently for the LORD.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the LORD. (Psalm 27:14 NLT)

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