Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Jordan - Day One

Well friends, our field study days have ended and we finished our series of trip with a four day journey to Jordan. It was such a fun trip to be in a more "middle eastern", arabic speaking culture. Jordan is 92% Muslim and we experienced their culture in the food that we ate and in the people we interacted with. There were many Bedouin (tent-dwelling farmers) communities we interacted with and experienced. It was interesting to see elements of a third world country clashing with the first world in Jordan. We were required to have a Jordanian tour guide and police man on the bus which also added to our experience of the middle eastern conflict and how the relationships stand because of it. The land in Jordan is almost identical to that of Israel and almost mirrors the geography on the other side of the Dead sea. We saw many thing in Jordan and I'll let the pictures tell the stories on our first day.

Jordanian farmer turning his tractor around next to our bus

A view to the Sea of Galilee from the Eastern side at Gedara

The Theater at Gedara...made of Basalt when the ones in Israel are mostly limestone

A beduoin sheep herd being held in with a tire fence. A shepherd watched from the side to protect the flock

The beduoin tents...they were located on a hillside right next to a modern apartment building

The sunset at Ramoth Gilead

There was a Starbucks in Amman...the capitol city of Jordan. It was such a fun treat to get to go to Starbucks for a little taste of home

A group of us took a couple taxi out to the store and made sure to buy our Jordan starbucks mugs!

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