Tuesday, March 3, 2009

February update....a little late

February was full of travel...much like November, December, and January! :) It started with some interview with CCO (a campus ministry organization based in Pittsburgh), then off to a wedding in Phoenix, then to LA for a little time with friends (during reading week), and then back to the snow in Boston! It was great fun to be with friends....here are some highlights.

College friends at the wedding - Kim and Angela

College Friends - Erin and Anna

We all lived on the same floor for a couple years in college - BMW's!

The Bride, Rebecca, and Me after it got chilly and we had to add the sweaters to our attire!

On to Los Angeles....making pasta with friends...and a very small strainer...took five times to empty the pot!

Enjoy dinner with great college friends - Kristen, Kaitlyn, and Lauren

"Post-Ski" Party with cousins....of course, none of us were just coming from skiing, although we dressed like it!

1 comment:

Dulcinator said...

Em...I do hope you have some sorta frequent flyer program going on! ;)