Saturday, March 21, 2009

Quick Update

Life is a little full of paper writing and reading to blog with great detail or depth but just thought I'd let you all know how the interviews went. Both the West Virginia and the Philly interviews went well! It was a good practice and helpful experience to have as I continue the search. I'm still not sure what might be next for me but will hear back from these places in the next couple weeks.

In the meantime, I am flying to Florida on Friday to interview for a position with a church and corresponding campus ministry at the University of Central Florida. I am actually really excited about this interview and hope that my time there offers clarity and discernment. We have some great family friends there as well, which promises a great visit to the land of sun and beaches! Can't wait for a little R&R while I'm there....although, I'll definitely still have some reading to do to finish classes in time!

49 days to graduation! Can't believe it!

1 comment:

Dulcinator said...

You're so close, Em. Enjoy Florida and thank you for updating me on your job interviews and plans for the future. You said like you are excitedly anticipating the moment that God reveals where He's gonna take you next! I am thrilled for ya, friend!