Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recent thoughts

Hey people -
Sorry for the lack of posts these days. I am crunching in on my last few months here at Gordon-Conwell and am loaded with early paper due dates. So, I am a paper writing fool these days and less of a blogger. However, as this season has seemed to be quite overwhelming for me, especially with the job search, I am finding Nicole Nordeman lyrics particularly helpful. From her "Brave" album, she wrote a song called "miles" and it's chorus reflects my present process.

"It may be miles and miles before the journey's clear
there may be rivers, may be oceans of tears
but the very hand that shields your eyes from understanding
is the Hand that will be holding you for miles"

Profound, huh? I'm constantly blown away that there is someone out there holding my hand in this process. Although it is often overwhelming, He continues to remind me I'm not on my own. Hope He is present to you today with that same kind of grace and mercy. Thanks to all of you who hear my complaints and frustrations and tears through this process. I am confident (most of the time) that God is "holding me for miles" as the journey unfolds. Headed to West Virginia and Philadelphia on Saturday for some second interviews...I'd appreciate any prayers you could offer! I'll keep you all updated as the next stage of the journey unravels.


Dulcinator said...

Again I say, dear friend, I miss you much! Mmm. And, my prayers are with you for whatever the heck it is that Jesus has in store for you. What will this next season of life bring? And how will you fare through the completion of this current season? You can do it. Finish strong. Let those song lyrics, wise comments from friends, tender memories, and the beauty of nature speak to your heart and carry you through. Jesus is talking to you through all of that. I love you.

Anonymous said...

I am confident your journey will not unravel, but will unfold...for the One who holds your future will keep You from unraveling....
