Friday, February 15, 2008


I do love Fridays. I usually get very little done but enjoy doing things a little out of the ordinary or something new and adventurous from time to time. On this Friday's menu: baking Cinnamon Raisin Bread. I am not entirely sure what compelled me to bake bread, or Cinnamon Raisin Bread for that matter, but I'm glad I gave it a whirl. I worked out this morning, got ready for the day, and headed to the grocery store to get all of the ingredients. After realizing that the recipe I printed out from Martha Stewart's website calls for a Kitchen-Aid $250 mixer....I did a virtual time warp and sent myself to the "days of old" when they didn't have those silly mixers. I was convinced that one day they used to make bread without that's what I did. Here's the final result....and they taste pretty darn good if you ask me!!


Sarah Anne said...

That looks really good Emmy... wish I could have some with you!

Man, we gotta try to live in th same city again at some point in our lives.


lauren mcconnablah said...

we had Gucci here with us for a day.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Em-

Your bread looks fabulous. I expected to see the "Getty Images" logo on your photo. I thought it was professionally done. I'm really impressed that I was looking at YOUR finished product.

Way to go!
